What’s Happening
What is coming up at Hope!
Overnight Shelter Giving
Through the Month of December
In this season of giving, we want to give to the Overnight Shelter here in Strathmore. Items can be dropped off at the church on Sunday or throughout the week during office hours.
A Christmas Cantata
Join us for a Strathmore Community Choir and Orchestra presentation of a Christmas Cantata, One of Us – The Miracle and The Mystery.
Christmas Eve Services
Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” – Matthew 1:23 NKJV
Join us and 1 (or both) services on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
Advent Devotionals
Each week on Monday following the sermon, we will be posting the devotional for the week that will provide a scripture reference, a short devotional, and a prayer to help us focus in on the message and Prepare the Way!
About Hope Community Covenant Church
Our Story
Hope Community Covenant Church has been a part of the Strathmore community for over 25 years!
Our Sunday Gatherings
Our gatherings are an opportunity to connect and grow with others and God.
Our Staff & Council
Hope’s Staff serves the community by providing support, and encouragement to our community.
Connect With Us
Use the following form to connect with us with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.
We are always looking for volunteers to help in our ministries!
Contact us today if you would be interested in being a part of Hope Ministries!